Cellar Doors

Cellar Door Replacement NYC

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Door Repair

Door Repair in NYC for commercial storefront door, building exterior door and More.

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Door Installation

Installation and replacement services in NYC for commercial doors.

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Roll-Up Door

Rolling Door installation and repair service through the five nyc boroughs.

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Cellar Door Replacement NYC

We offer reliable cellar door installation and replacement in NYC.

How much do new cellar doors cost?

For a complete installation, the cost of a bulkhead basement or cellar door ranges from $1,100 to $6,000—the typical door costs between $600 and $1,200 at big-box home improvement stores.

What are cellar doors made of?

Iron or Metal Framed Doors
Doors with metal frames are a good choice for wine cellars because they are durable and sturdy. In addition, they can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, steel, or wrought iron.

Cellar Door Replacement

Our cellar doors will meet all code requirements for sidewalk doors cost-effectively. We also make custom-size doors designed to make the installation process as seamless as possible.

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Cellar door Replacement

Why Choose Us

Customer satisfaction is our goal and quality service is our motto!

Our service technicians are experienced, with over 15 years in the field providing automatic door repair and replacement.

Free Door Inspections

NYC Doors is proud to provide a wide variety of high-quality security doors for use in commercial, retail, and industrial settings, including shutters, folding closures, roller shutters, security grilles, and countertop doors.

A Door Service Company You Can Depend On

Our team of professionally trained experts will be happy to consult you to determine the door or grille that best meets your establishment’s security requirements.